Looking back at halcyon days of 1978

Humpty Dumpty and Jemima, from BBC TVs Playschool, visited the Larkspur Day Nursery, much to the delight of these youngstersHumpty Dumpty and Jemima, from BBC TVs Playschool, visited the Larkspur Day Nursery, much to the delight of these youngsters
Humpty Dumpty and Jemima, from BBC TVs Playschool, visited the Larkspur Day Nursery, much to the delight of these youngsters
As years go, 1978 was something of a mixed bag.

It saw the launch of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, by the late, great Douglas Adams, on BBC Radio 4.

Nottingham Forest won the First Division title and May Day became a bank holiday.

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On the flip side, the coffin of comedy legend Charlie Chaplin’s was found in a field in Switzerland, 11 weeks after being stolen, and The Who’s drummer Keith Moon died.

Things were much more laid back in Crawley, as these pictures show. See if you can spot anyone you know!