Woman sexually assaulted after man walks up behind her

A sexual assault on a woman in Broadwater in the early hours of Saturday morning has prompted a public appeal.

The 29-year-old woman was walking in Broadwater Street West between 1am and 2am when a man came up behind her, tried to talk to her and then pulled her into Grove Road and sexually assaulted her, police say.

The attack happened near Broadwater Green in Worthing.

The suspect is described as white, aged in his early to mid-20s, 5ft 9ins, slim, with blonde or light brown messy hair and clean shaven. He was wearing a beige sports style jacket.

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The victim is being supported by specially trained officers.

Detective Sergeant Sally Hodges said: “We are appealing for any witnesses or anyone with information to come forward to assist our investigation.”

Contact police by emailing 101@sussex.pnn.police.uk or ring 101 quoting serial 182 of 25/03.

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