Rye Town Councillor

The Rye View with Granville Bantick SUS-140924-114642001The Rye View with Granville Bantick SUS-140924-114642001
The Rye View with Granville Bantick SUS-140924-114642001
It does appear we shall not have a Community Warden for Rye.

I have explored all avenues, including investigating the role of a Community Warden in the villages of Kent where they do some very good work in their communities. Regrettably, it is thought by Rye Town Council not to be a priority in Rye.

In speaking to Chief Inspector Warren Franklin, the Sussex Police Commander, he tells me that his Force will not go out every day and deal with parking regulation as their current function is to deliver community safety, and protect and deal with vulnerable people and victims of crime which are far more of an issue than parking.

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I am informed by the Area Manager for the Mid/West Kent Community Warden Service that they provide a valuable presence in the community.