Call to reopen car parks at Tilgate Park

Tilgate Park. Pic by Steve RobardsTilgate Park. Pic by Steve Robards
Tilgate Park. Pic by Steve Robards
“Now is the time to focus on public health, not petty politics.”

This was the response from Peter Lamb, the leader of Crawley Borough Council, after his opposite number, Duncan Crow, led a call from Conservatives to reopen the car parks at Tilgate Park.

The car parks have been closed for two months and Mr Crow said this had led to problems around the neighbourhood as people parked their cars in residential streets.

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He added: “With government guidance on outdoor activity having been relaxed some weeks ago, Crawley Borough Council’s ongoing closure of the car parks has surprised many people arriving at the park, resulting in major parking problems for many of Tilgate’s roads.”

Maureen Mwagale (Con, Tilgate) said she had heard from a number of residents about the problem, adding: “With more good weather forecast, the parking problems will only get worse until the council acts.”

Accusing Mr Lamb of ‘playing party politics’, Mr Crow said the people of Crawley should be trusted to ‘act sensibly’ when it came to social distancing.

He also pointed out that the council was losing money by keeping the car parks closed.

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He added, “This is part of the trend.  Government guidance is clear about outdoor exercise and yet the council also won’t open their outdoor tennis courts, unlike our neighbouring Conservative-run councils.

“Local residents wanting to exercise can play tennis in Horsham, East Grinstead, Haywards Heath and Redhill, but not here in Crawley.”

Mr Lamb threw the accusation of playing politics right back at Mr Crow.

He said: “With the relaxation of the rules nationally, councils and other leisure services providers are free to re-open facilities where they believe is safe to do so, ultimately bearing responsibility for the consequences of those decisions.

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“Since the Prime Minister’s announcement, we’ve seen the rate of transmission increase, risking a second spike of Covid-19.

“Crawley has paid a heavy price to limit the spread of the disease, with 57 per cent of local employment now at risk.

“To relax measures a few weeks too early, when the town has already given up so much to bring the contagion under control, would be deeply irresponsible.

“Now is the time to focus on public health, not petty politics.”

A message from the Editor, Gary Shipton:

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