David Tutt, leader of EBC: Partygate, and get set for the Jubilee carnival

David TuttDavid Tutt
David Tutt
Last week saw the long-awaited report on what has been labelled the “Partygate” investigation by Sue Gray.

In it Gray clearly stated that she had “found failures of leadership and judgement at No. 10” and “that the events investigated were attended by leaders in government”.

Gray went on to say that there were “multiple examples of a lack of respect and poor treatment of security and cleaning staff”.

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Despite this and the fact that the police issued 83 individuals with Fixed Penalty Notices, including one to the Prime Minister himself, Boris Johnson stands by his statement that he does not believe that any parties took place and remains in office.

Only the current Conservative MPs can now remove him.

I applaud those who have had the courage to call on him to resign.

This is probably career limiting for them in the short term, but they realise that it is important for the British people to have faith in their elected representatives.

Far from appearing contrite over the “Partygate” affair, Boris Johnson’s latest act has been to weaken the rules on standards in Government, so that ministers found guilty of breaking the ministerial code will no longer be expected to resign, but instead be required to apologise and may face a fine.

Surely, we deserve better than this.

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As part of the long weekend of celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, Saturday sees the Jubilee Carnival.

Departing from the Western Lawns, opposite the Grand Hotel at 2pm, the procession will travel along the seafront to Princes Park.

With floats, drummers, dancers, and bands, the Carnival is once again a highlight in the Eastbourne events calendar.

Thanks go to Mina O’Brien of Ditzy Media who has taken over the organisation of the event from Stephen Lloyd and has been working tirelessly with her team of volunteers to make this a spectacular day.

It is advisable to get to the seafront early to ensure that you have a good view of the fun.

Have a fantastic weekend!