Mayor of Worthing marks National Day of Reflection one year on from first lockdown

Councillor Lionel Harman, the mayor of WorthingCouncillor Lionel Harman, the mayor of Worthing
Councillor Lionel Harman, the mayor of Worthing
The Mayor of Worthing was among those who marked the National Day of Reflection today, held one year on from the first lockdown.

The charity Marie Curie asked members of the public to observe a minute’s silence at midday, and to shine a light on their doorsteps at 8pm, to remember those who have died in the last year.

Councillor Lionel Harman, Mayor of Worthing, said: “This year has shown us how fragile we all are and how life can be affected by the smallest of things.

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“One tiny unknown virus has taken friends and family, jobs and livelihoods, and even changed society forever.

“It is important that today we take this moment of reflection and lament on what is lost.

“During the last year we have learned the value of open spaces and nature when taking our daily exercise, seen the improvement in air quality with less traffic in the air or on the roads, and gained an appreciation of the environment.

“Tomorrow we must strengthen our resolve and build a better, greener, smarter future for our children and grandchildren.”

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