Beginners guide to crop circles

CROP circles which have appeared in the past year will be discussed at an event on Thursday (September 27).

Lewes-based organisation Changing Times has joined forces with Southern Circular Research (the regional experts on crop circles) to take a closer at this perplexing subject.

Crop Circles of 2007 promises to be a comprehensive round-up of the crop formations of 2007, exploring the events of the year with stunning images and informed discussion.

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All the UK crop designs of the year will be looked at in detail, and the best of the overseas formations will also be discussed.

Andy Thomas, from SCR, said: 'The evening will be a great starting point for newcomers wondering what all the fuss is still about.

'For all the bad press the phenomenon receives, the fact is that the crop circles continue unabated, producing astonishing graphics in the fields which have never been adequately explained... the mystery continues!'

The event starts at 8.15PM at the Scout Centre, Station Road, Burgess Hill, admission is 5.

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