LETTER: It's time to move on with A27

No-one could take issue with the Observer's lead editorial of last week calling for a positive business approach to Brexit.

There is of course a further event that will impact significantly on the future success of the Chichester area; the A27 improvement scheme.

You point out that the attitude of local politicians and entrepreneurs will be vital in making the best of the opportunities Brexit offers, so it is disappointing to reflect on the Observer’s previous stance that the A27 scheme should be held in abeyance and planning started afresh.

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Councillor Jeremy Hunt’s letter gave a measured and detailed resume of the unfortunate history behind some of the A27 options management, but like Brexit, the consultation has been done, and we await the detail that will give us a result.

We don’t get a second referendum, nor should we get a second shot at the A27 issue; it’s time to move on.

With progress towards a solution to the A27 already glacially slow, Councillor Hunt is right; if we are serious about getting the benefits that an improved local infrastructure will deliver, the very last thing we need is a return to square one.

The world will move on, the funding will go elsewhere, and Chichester will settle back into a log-jammed sleepy backwater.

Steve Haynes

Goodwood Gardens
