Michaela Strachan's travel bucket list tips

Michaela StrachanMichaela Strachan
Michaela Strachan
Many of us have travel bucket lists '“ the places we want to see and experience before we die.

From the great cities of the world, to places of natural beauty – everyone’s list is different, however new research shows that many of us are moving more towards adventurous travel destinations.

In fact, research from adventure travel specialist Explore shows that while more than a third were interested in ‘fly and flop’ holidays when they were younger, their interests now lie elsewhere and one in five say they are looking for a cultural experience when travelling.

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So if you’re looking for inspiration, then watch our video where TV presenter, adventure traveller and nature lover Michaela Strachan tells you her top five bucket list travel destinations.

For more information: www.explore.co.uk