LETTER: Government must change attitude

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Your letters
I read with interest all the letters that are now pouring into the County Times with regard to the ‘fast train’ of developement that is heading our way and the inability (or so it appears) of Horsham residents to stop this express!

Regardless of the numbers who are protesting it seems that we will lose this fight. Now, to add to many of our concerns, the battle is on again to try and halt the developement of another runway at Gatwick.

Make no mistake, we are being ‘conned’ into thinking that the new development planned for North Horsham is going to be good for all of us who live nearby. Sorry no!

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But what it will do is make getting into, out of and around Horsham a complete disaster.

At last, our councillor David Skipp is questioning if this development is ‘planning led or developer led’.

Thank goodness,someone who has some accountability is making his voice heard. He’s right to make these statements and bring some sense to the whole proceedings.

There is no question that our council (like most councils in the South East) has a gun held to its head by government - to build, if for no other reason than to get the economy kick started and developers, trying to make a living, are powerful advocates for this to happen, along with the Gatwick Diamond Initiative.

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These people will ofcourse push for developement to continue to generate industry to the area, but at what cost?

Are we all to be like penguins on an iceflow, pushing and shoving for space until we’re pushed over the edge?

Elizabeth Bartnovskaya (letter 11/01/2014) asks why our MP Francis Maude makes no comment over the massive development spreading like a cancer in Horsham.

Ofcourse he’s not going to ‘rock the boat’, he’s got a very safe seat here in Horsham, so why would he. Pay ‘lip service’ to us all and that’s good enough. No different from any politician.

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What we should be asking of Mr Maude is for his government’s attitude to change and encourage more businesses to regenerate the North with some beautiful areas and in need of employment.

We are begining to see, and it’s to our cost, building on flood plains and close to rivers. Granted it’s countrywide but can we seriously continue large sprawling development regardless of the so-called economic need if we’re going to be flooded out in the future.

What chance for our grandchildren and their wellbeing.It’s not all about work, however important, it’s about a quality of life as well.

Until our government has a change in attitude to development, the South East will continue to be covered in concrete and those of us living here will continue to protest.

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The problem is massive and complicated, the EU and immigration just a part of it and getting the balance right for all of us, well,who’d relish the task?

It’s not going away. It’s not about ‘NIMBYism’ , far from it. It’s not about ‘I’m alright Jack, not interested in your needs’.

But it is about trying to keep Horsham a place where people do want to live and allowing massive housing development isn’t the answer.


Searles View, Horsham