LETTER: Three options for Gatwick future

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‘Patent nonsense’ might well apply to the words of Horsham’s Tory district councillor Peter Burgess (‘Importance to local economy’, WSCT letter, July 11).

Says Peter ‘Patent nonsense’ Burgess : “If Gatwick do build a second runway, it will be only a couple of hundred yards away from the existing one, and have marginal effect on noise paths and housing.”

May I suggest to Mr Burgess he looks at the plans for the new runway after 2019, before pressing keys on a council-provided laptop.

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If Mr Burgess does take the trouble to do this, he will find there are three options for Gatwick:

1. A New Wide-Spaced Runway - supported by GIP-BAA Gatwick and Gatwick Diamond Business Group - which would have a devastating affect on the local environment and residents, especially in Ifield, Langley Green and the NE Sector (Crawley’s new 14th Neighbourhood).

2. A New Narrow-Spaced Runway - supported by the Ifield Society and (I think?) Crawley Borough Council - which will have minimal affect... and land has already been provided for it.

3. No runway at all - supported by Gatwick Airport Conservation Campaign (GACC) and Ifield Village Conservation Area Campaign (IVCAC).

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We will have to draw our own conclusions as to why Mr Burgess chooses to ‘demonise’ the work of GACC’s Brendan Sewill.

‘Patent nonsense’ again comes to mind.


The Ifield Society, Lavington Close, Ifield