6-year-old Tottenham Hotspur FC and Horsham FC fan sports shirts for daily Southwater charity cycle

Maya Litchfield from Southwater is raising money Great Ormond Street Hospital by riding her bike every day until she starts back at school SUS-200707-110304001Maya Litchfield from Southwater is raising money Great Ormond Street Hospital by riding her bike every day until she starts back at school SUS-200707-110304001
Maya Litchfield from Southwater is raising money Great Ormond Street Hospital by riding her bike every day until she starts back at school SUS-200707-110304001
A 6-year-old girl from Southwater is raising money for charity by cycling one mile every day in football shirts until she goes back to school in September.

Maya Litchfield started her fundraiser travelling from her home in Roman Lane to Southwater Country Park and back on Saturday, June 20, in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Claire Litchfield, Maya’s mum, said: “Maya decided she wanted to raise money for Great Ormond Street as she kept seeing the advert on TV and wanted to help the children she saw on the advert.

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“She got a new bike and wanted to challenge herself whilst raising money for charity. She came up with the idea of going out on her bike to the local country park and back every day wearing her favourite football shirts – her and her daddy are Tottenham Hotspur and Horsham FC fans.

Maya Litchfield from Southwater is raising money Great Ormond Street Hospital by riding her bike every day until she starts back at school SUS-200707-110218001Maya Litchfield from Southwater is raising money Great Ormond Street Hospital by riding her bike every day until she starts back at school SUS-200707-110218001
Maya Litchfield from Southwater is raising money Great Ormond Street Hospital by riding her bike every day until she starts back at school SUS-200707-110218001

“She wants to carry on until she goes back to school in September as her school didn’t have the capacity to take her back so she wanted to do something to help people whilst she was at home.”

The Southwater Infant School pupil has already raised more than her target of £200, and she has received a letter of support from Horsham MP Jeremy Quin and support from Horsham FC on the club’s Facebook page.

Claire said: “We are all very proud of her. She ropes all the family into going with her on the bike rides.

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“She’s already raised £415 on her just giving page which is over double what she aimed to raise, so she’s very happy”

Maya Litchfield from Southwater is raising money Great Ormond Street Hospital by riding her bike every day until she starts back at school SUS-200707-110250001Maya Litchfield from Southwater is raising money Great Ormond Street Hospital by riding her bike every day until she starts back at school SUS-200707-110250001
Maya Litchfield from Southwater is raising money Great Ormond Street Hospital by riding her bike every day until she starts back at school SUS-200707-110250001


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