
WE never watch the candle that is burningor notice when it is getting low, we aretoo busy watching the flame and baskingin its glow.

Should we not pause and stand awhile,

and glimpse what we should see, the

meadows, spring crocus, snowdrops,

and the majesty of a poplar tree.

Time glides swiftly on we never attend

the pace for there is always tomorrow

we never dream of age, isn't there something we ought to do, some love

we should show, before Life turns another


We could make plans to right some

wrongs, put goodness in its place,

although we can't relight the burnt out

flame, or change Life's speeding face.

Make sure we do what must be done,

not defer it, or let be, and leave it just

to Fate, the ones we love need to know

it this hour, this very day, because

Time never learned to wait.

Catherine Neale