Farlington Apprentice team selection day

County Times June 13County Times June 13
County Times June 13
Last Friday, 7th June 2013, Year 10 girls at Farlington School competed in the Farlington Apprentice Team Selection Day. The girls were split into pre-arranged teams and spent the morning completing a number of mental challenges. These involved such tasks as identifying flags, creating an origami camel, solving matchstick puzzles, identifying TV programmes from cryptic clues, and performing a Farlington rap. The teams scored points for each round of challenges and by lunchtime the scores were very close so there was everything to play for.

The afternoon’s challenges started in the Sports Hall with a variety of bench games to warm everyone up, this was followed by the chicken, fox and seed game - a game that required both physical and mental ingenuity not to mention great hilarity! Thereafter, the rain having stopped, the girls moved outside where they were faced with more challenges including a tug of war and negotiating “shark-infested waters” with the aid of some chairs and some effective communication skills.

All the girls worked extremely well in their teams throughout the day and their competitive spirit was very evident, however, by the end of the afternoon the winning team had been decided. They were “Team Two” which comprised Lucy Crichton, Charlie Ghazi, Katie Haase, Michaela Loach and Maddie Todd, these girls will go forward to the next stage of the competition where they will compete against one another for the title Farlington Apprentice 2013, as well a certificate and £100 cash!

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