Mean spirit

GARRY Oldfield (Gazette letters, August 27) has missed both the point and the irony of the Gazette article about Darragh McKeown's knee injury (August 13).

The story rightly highlighted the jobsworth attitude shown at Arun District Council's Civic Centre in denying basic first aid to any injured child.

The irony was that both Darragh and his council tax-paying father give up hours of their time as trained voluntary first-aiders.

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Mr McKeown was "dealing" with the injury and, when denied a sticking plaster, quietly dealt with it another way.

I have known Martin McKe-own for many years. The article did not mention, and he would not advertise, his long-held commitment to raising funds and equipment for charities and good causes, particularly in relation to rescuing and restoring musical instruments for deprived children to enjoy.

He is a decent, kind and honourable man who deserves better than a vitriolic paragraph of mean-spirited clichs. If there were more people like Martin in this world, cynics like Mr Oldfield might find it a much better place to live in. That, for me, is a very real issue.

Mark Williams

Mantling Road



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