Looking back at laying of memorial stone

Mrs W. Ridley Chesterton laying a foundation stone at the new West Worthing Baptist Church on Wednesday, March 30, 1938Mrs W. Ridley Chesterton laying a foundation stone at the new West Worthing Baptist Church on Wednesday, March 30, 1938
Mrs W. Ridley Chesterton laying a foundation stone at the new West Worthing Baptist Church on Wednesday, March 30, 1938
EVENTY-five years ago, one of the memorial stones of the new £5,000 West Worthing Baptist Church was laid by Mrs W. Ridley Chesterton.

he sound of bricklayers at work on the new building could be plainly heard during the service in the old church, which followed the ceremony on Wednesday, March 30, 1938.

Mrs Ridley Chesterton, representing the parent church, Worthing Baptist Church, in Christchurch Road, laid the memorial stones with Mrs W.A. Jones, whose generosity had done much to make the building possible.

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The Rev Philip Hudgell, moderator of the Kent and Sussex Baptist Association, conducted the ceremony.

The Rev W. Ridley Chesterton said the great day would hardly have been possible without the generosity and devotion of Mrs Jones.The project had been long in her dreams and was now in the prospect of being realised.

Those at the Christchurch Road church appreciated very warmly the service and work for the Baptist cause which had already been done at West Worthing.

Theywere grateful for such a leader as the Rev A. Stockwell.

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Mr Chesterton brought with him £160, the first instalment of the contribution which the Worthing Baptist Church’s Forward Movement was to make to the new church.

Mr Stockwell told the people present they still needed something like £1,500 for the building.

Mrs Jones and Mrs Chesterton were presented with trowels by the architect, Mr Norman Miles. Mr Stockwell gave a trowel to the builder, Mr V.C. Abell.