Circus Pazaz to host three shows at Easebourne Primary School

Circus PazazCircus Pazaz
Circus Pazaz
Circus Pazaz will be hosting three shows at Easebourne Primary School in aid of its Forest School on May 22 at 12.15pm, 2.30pm and 4pm.

Victoria Barrett, PTFA circus event organiser, said: “Clowns Zaz and Tilly Twist will be hosting the event for all goers with their act including acrobatics, juggling, hula hooping and cowboy whip cracking, comedy ring leaders and more. Children at Easebourne Primary School will also benefit from a circus workshop skills session on Monday, May 23 donated by the school’s Parent Teacher Association.

“Headteacher Johnny Culley is keen to give all children at the school access to the circus, even if they are unable to attend the main circus event on Sunday, May 22, so is delighted that the PTFA are supporting the workshops. The school PTFA had planned to run the circus in 2020, but the event had to be cancelled due to Covid, as did many other fundraising events.”

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Victoria added: “We’re super excited to be able to host a circus event at our school and it’s lovely to be able to do so now that Covid restrictions have lifted. The event is open to all families in and around Midhurst, so it is a real community event which makes the effort involved in organising it all the more worthwhile. We can’t wait to see the children’s faces when the little big top arrives!”

Funds raised from the circus event will go towards Easebourne Primary Forest School which has been seriously affected by Ash dieback, a fungal disease sweeping through the UK. Tickets can be bought in advance via